国际商务与中国链(International Business and ChinaChain)



International Business Summit | Call for Papers for the First Annual Conference of the International Business Committee and the First International Symposium on International Business Frontiers and ChinaChain Strategy (IBCC), along with the Special Column of Management Review


Background of the Conference


The International Business Committee of the Chinese Institute of Business Administration was established in December 2023. Renowned scholar Professor Wang Yonggui, President of Zhejiang Gongshang University, serves as the Chief Scientist, with Researcher Huang Qunhui, Researcher Huang Sujian, Professor Li Jiatao, Professor Li Sali, Professor Cui Hong, and other esteemed economists and management scholars acting as academic advisors. Professor Yu Rongjian founded and serves as the inaugural Chairman of the Committee. The purpose of the International Business Committee is to integrate multiple disciplines such as international business, global value chains, supply chain management, innovation management, and industrial economics, thereby building a cross-disciplinary, international, and vibrant academic community to construct an independent knowledge system of international business in China.

国际地缘政治经济大变局冲击下,国际商务格局正在经历前所未有的剧烈变革。中国作为全球经济的重要引擎,在国际商务和全球产业链领域既面临严峻挑战也迎来广阔机遇。中国企业管理研究会国际商务专委会荟聚国内外国际商务、供应链管理、全球价值链与产业经济学等多个领域学者,在《管理评论》等期刊的支持下,决定于20241221-22日在浙江杭州召开“中国企业管理研究会国际商务专委会首届年会暨国际商务前沿与中国链战略国际研讨会(IBCC 2024)”,会议由浙江工商大学工商管理学院(MBA学院)承办,会议主题为“国际商务前沿:中国链战略与数字创新”。


Under the impact of significant geopolitical and economic changes, the landscape of international business is undergoing unprecedented and profound transformations. As a crucial engine of the global economy, China faces both severe challenges and vast opportunities in the fields of international business and global industrial chains.The International Business Committee of the Chinese Institute of Business Administration, with support from journals such as Management Review, has decided to hold the “First Annual Conference of the International Business Committee and International Symposium on International Business Frontiers and ChinaChain Strategy (IBCC 2024)” on December 21-22, 2024, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. The conference will be hosted by the School of Business Administration (MBA School) of Zhejiang Gongshang University. The conference theme is "International Business Frontiers: ChinaChain Strategy, and Digital Innovation".

The conference will delve into: (1) Frontiers of International Business: Focusing on the new roles, new competitive advantages, and new strategies of Chinese multinational enterprises in the context of global changes, promoting innovation in international business research and sharing of practical experiences, and developing and extending international business theories within the Chinese context. (2) ChinaChain Strategy: Focusing on exploring China's independent research paradigm and theoretical innovation of industrial chains against the backdrop of global industrial chain restructuring, and constructing safe, stable, resilient, co-creative and self-controllable global industrial chain strategies and policy practices. (3) Digital Innovation: Focusing on discussing the theories and practices of digital innovation for Chinese multinational enterprises in the digital age, particularly the cross-border digital governance and internationalization of digital enterprises under the evolving international situation.

目前,会议已经邀请到王永贵、黄群慧、黄速建、Shaker A. Zahra、俞荣建、武常岐、李家涛、吕文珍、彭小松、易靖韬、赖福军、李卅立、杨小华、周楠、贺俊、崔鸿、姜翰、王挺革、王亮、卜茂亮等国际商务学者或企业家。后续将陆续邀请更多富于洞见的优秀学者参会交流。

The conference has already invited international business scholars and entrepreneurs such as Wang Yonggui, Huang Qunhui, Huang Sujian, Shaker A. Zahra, Yu Rongjian, Wu Changqi, Li Jiatao, Jane Lu, Peng Xiaosong, Yi Jingtao, Lai Fujun, Li Sali, Yang Xiaohua, Zhou Nan, He Jun, Victor Cui, Jiang Han, Wang Tingge, Wang Liang, and Bo Maoliang. More insightful and outstanding scholars will be invited to participate and share their insights.


The forum organizing committee, in collaboration with the editorial office of Management Review, is launching a special column titled “Industrial Chain Restructuring and China's Strategic Response in the Context of Major Global Changes” and is publicly soliciting academic papers on related topics, with the aim of publishing a series of high-quality academic research outcomes.


The conference is now open for nationwide submissions. Experts and scholars are encouraged to actively submit their work.


Conference Theme


International Business Frontiers: ChinaChain Strategy and Digital Innovation


中国 浙江 杭州

Conference Location

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China



Conference Dates

December 21-22, 2024




Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zhejiang Gongshang University


China Chapter of the Academy of International Business (AIB)


International Business Committee of the Chinese Institute of Business Administration




School of Business Administration (MBA School), Zhejiang Gongshang University


Institute of Intelligent Management, Zhejiang Gongshang University


ChinaChain Research Center, Zhejiang Gongshang University




Editorial Office of Management Review


Supporting organizations


China National MBA education Supervisory Committee, Ministry of Education


Master of International Business Education Supervisory Committee, Ministry of Education


China Institute For Leadership Science


Yangtze River Delta Business Administration Discipline Alliance


Marketing Virtual Teaching and Research Platform of Ministry of Education


National Virtual Teaching and Research Platform for "Management Thinking" Course


Wuchan Zhongda Group


Hisense Group


China Intelligence Group


Supporting Journals

管理评论Management Review

管理学报Chinese Journal of Management

科学学研究Studies in Science of Science

科研管理Science Research Management

中国管理科学Chinese Journal of Management Science

科学学与科学技术管理Science of Science and Management of S.&T.

经济与管理研究 Research on Economics and Management

国际贸易问题Journal of International Trade

国际商务International Business

北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University(Social Sciences)

Asia Pacific Journal of Management

Global Strategy Journal

Journal of International Business Studies

Journal of World Business

International Business Review

International Journal of Technology Management

Management International Review





Important dates

Conference paper submission deadline: September 30, 2024

Conference paper acceptance date: Around October 20, 2024

Meeting Date: December 21-22, 2024


Conference Chairs

Yonggui Wang 王永贵




Journal of Business Research副主编

President of Zhejiang Gongshang University

National Leading Talent

Member of the Strategic Advisory Committee for the Development of Independent Knowledge Systems in Philosophy and Social Sciences in Higher Education Institutions

Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Research

Sujian Huang 黄速建



Researcher at the Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

President of the Chinese Institute of Business Administration

Rongjian Yu 俞荣建





Dean of the School of Business Administration (MBA School), Zhejiang Gongshang University

Director of the ChinaChain Research Center

Chairman of the International Business Committee of the Chinese Institute of Business Administration

Chief Expert of Major Projects in National Social Sciences Fund


Call for Papers Topics


We welcome submissions on themes such as multinational companies and emerging economy enterprises' strategies, the internationalization of digital platforms and cross-border digital governance, global supply chains (and industrial chains, innovation chains, value chains), technological innovation, green innovation and ESG, great power competition and its impact on international business policies. Submissions should be based on the integration of management theories such as strategic management, marketing, organizational behavior, financial management, supply chain operations management, and economic theories such as industrial economics, international economics, and global value chains. We encourage scientific research papers exploring academic paradigms, original theoretical constructions, large-sample empirical studies, and especially cutting-edge case studies. Forum topics include, but are not limited to:


New Quality Productivity Forces from a Global Perspective


Strategies of Multinational Companies under the Evolution of the International Situation


Strategies of Emerging Economy Enterprises in the Context of Global Changes


Digital Enterprises and the Internationalization of Digital Platforms


Digital Trade, Cross-Border Digital Governance, and Corporate Strategies


The Impact of US-China Trade and Technology Frictions on Chinese Enterprises and Their Strategic Responses


Fundamental Theories and Methods of the ChinaChain Strategy


Reconstruction of Global Industrial Chains


Cross-Border Supply Chain Management


International Technical Standards, Intellectual Property, and Global Innovation Chain Governance


International Technological Competition and Technological Innovation of Chinese Enterprises


Green Innovation and ESG


Digital Marketing and Cross-Border E-commerce


Governance of Multinational Companies and Non-Market Strategies


Cross-Border Human Resource Management


International Business and Financial Investment


Other Frontiers in International Business



Conference Email:




Paper Submission Inquiries:

Ge Zhaoyi (13018903040, gezhaoyi2023@163.com)


Conference Paper Submission Email:


Submission Requirements

1.所有投稿论文应为原创论文。投稿论文的语言不限,中英文均可。中文论文格式参考《管理评论》;英文论文格式参考Journal of International Business Studies

1.All submitted papers must be original. Submissions can be in either Chinese or English. The format for Chinese papers should refer to “Management Review”; for English papers, refer to the "Journal of International Business Studies."


2. Please send your papers to the designated submission email addresses according to their respective fields. The main text of the manuscript should be anonymous, without any author information. Additionally, attach a separate file with author information (including the title) and specify the author’s name, affiliation, contact person, and contact person's phone number in the email body.


3.Papers submitted will first undergo preliminary review by the forum organizing committee. The decision to accept a paper for the conference will be made after anonymous peer review by three experts. Accepted papers will be invited for presentation at the sub-forum.


4.The conference organizing committee will collaborate with the editorial staff to select papers for recommendation to the Management Review special column.


5.To emphasize quality and broaden participation, each author may submit a maximum of two papers in which they have participated.


6.Please ensure that your submissions are sent via email to the specified conference email addresses by September 30, 2024 (submission deadline). All submissions will receive a confirmation reply. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact the organizing committee promptly by phone or email.


Conference Agenda

IBCC 2024   会议日程

IBCC 2024 Agenda


Note: Subsequent notifications may adjust the agenda; the final agenda will be as per the conference handbook.


Conference Registration


Pay the Conference Fee — Fill out the Registration Form — Fill out the Invoice Information


Step 1: Pay the Conference Fee


Payment Methods: Remittance or Bank Transfer


Account Name: Zhejiang Gongshang University


Bank Account: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Hangzhou High-tech Branch


Bank Account Number: 1202026209008930682


Note: Please indicate "Name + Affiliation + IBCC2024" in the remittance note.


Specific Fee Standards are as follows:


1All participants must register for the conference. Accepted papers must have at least one author registered to attend the conference and present the paper on-site;


2Groups of 5 or more scholars or students from the same institution can enjoy group discount prices. Please pay the registration fees together and use "Group Registration" to fill out the registration form and invoice information;


3If you are unable to attend, a full refund (minus handling fees) will be provided for cancellation and refund requests received before December 14, 2024. No refunds will be given for requests received after December 14, 2024.


Registration Form and Invoice Information:  Individual or Group


Registration Methods: Individual Registration or Group Registration


Step 2: Fill out the Registration Form


Participants who have completed the payment of the conference fee, please click the following link or scan the QR code to fill out the registration form.

  • 单人报名

  • Individual Registration



Step 3: Fill out the Invoice Information


Participants who need an invoice, please fill out the invoice information and upload the payment proof to apply for the invoice. The default invoice format is an electronic VAT ordinary invoice, which will be sent to the provided email within two weeks after the conference ends.


  • 团队报名

  • Group Registration


For group registration (5 or more people), please download the form below, complete it and send it to: IBCC_zjgsug@163.com



Conference Academic Committee Co-Chairs

  • 崔鸿,教授,滑铁卢大学

  • Professor Victor Cui, University of Waterloo

  • 姜翰,副教授,香港中文大学(深圳)

  • Associate Professor Han Jiang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

  • 黄群慧,所长/教授,中国社会科学院

  • Director/Professor Qunhui Huang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  • 赖福军,教授,南密西西比大学

  • Professor Fujun Lai, University of Southern Mississippi

  • 李家涛,教授,香港科技大学

  • Professor Jia-Tao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • 李卅立,教授,南卡罗来纳州立大学

  • Professor Sali Li, University of South Carolina

  • 柳卸林,教授,中国科学院大学/上海科技大学/首都经济贸易大学

  • Professor Xielin Liu, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences/ShanghaiTech University/Capital University of Economics and Business

  • 吕文珍 Jane Lu,教授,香港城市大学

  • Professor Jane Lu, City University of Hong Kong

  • 彭小松,教授,里海大学

  • Professor Xiaosong Peng, Lehigh University

  • 武常岐,院长/教授,山东大学

  • Dean/Professor Changqi Wu, Shandong University

  • 杨志林,教授,香港城市大学

  • Professor Zhilin Yang, City University of Hong Kong

  • 易靖韬,院长/教授,中国人民大学

  • Dean/Professor Jingtao Yi, Renmin University of China

  • 周楠,教授/优青,同济大学

  • Professor Nan Zhou, Distinguished Young Scholar, Tongji University


Currently being updated, the list is sorted alphabetically by surname. We apologize for any omissions or errors. Please inform us if you notice any. Thank you


Intending to invite keynote speakers (ongoing invitation and confirmation)

  • 卜茂亮,教授,南京大学

  • Professor Maoliang Bo, Nanjing University

  • 崔鸿,教授,滑铁卢大学

  • Professor Victor Cui, University of Waterloo

  • 贺俊,教授,中国社会科学院

  • Professor Jun He, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  • 黄群慧,所长/教授,中国社会科学院

  • Director/Professor Qunhui Huang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  • 黄速建,教授,中国社会科学院

  • Professor Sujian Huang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  • 姜翰,副教授,香港中文大学(深圳)

  • Associate Professor Han Jiang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

  • 赖福军,教授,南密西西比大学

  • Professor Fujun Lai, University of Southern Mississippi

  • 李家涛,教授,香港科技大学

  • Professor Jia-Tao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • 李卅立,教授,南卡罗来纳州立大学

  • Professor Sali Li, University of South Carolina

  • 刘志彪,教授,南京大学

  • Professor Zhibiao Liu, Nanjing University

  • 吕文珍 Jane Lu,教授,香港城市大学

  • Professor Jane Lu, City University of Hong Kong

  • 彭小松,教授,里海大学

  • Professor Xiaosong Peng, Lehigh University

  • Professor Shaker A. Zahra, University of Minnesota

  • 王亮,教授,旧金山大学

  • Professor Liang Wang, University of San Francisco

  • 王永贵,校长/教授/长江学者/杰青,浙江工商大学

  • President/Professor Yonggui Wang, Changjiang Distinguished Professor, Distinguished Young Scholars, Zhejiang Gongshang University

  • 王挺革,物产中大集团原董事长、浙江工商大学工商管理学院(MBA学院)实务院长

  • Tingge Wang, Former Chairman of Wuchan Zhongda Group/Dean of Practice, School of Business Administration (MBA), Zhejiang Gongshang University

  • 武常岐,院长/教授,山东大学

  • Dean/Professor Changqi Wu, Shandong University

  • 许晖,教授,南开大学

  • Professor Hui Xu, Nankai University

  • 易靖韬,院长/教授,中国人民大学

  • Dean/Professor Jingtao Yi, Renmin University of China

  • 杨小华,教授,旧金山大学

  • Professor Xiaohua Yang, University of San Francisco

  • 俞荣建,院长/教授,浙江工商大学

  • Dean/Professor Rongjian Yu, Zhejiang Gongshang University

  • 周楠,教授/优青,同济大学

  • Professor Nan Zhou, Distinguished Young Scholar, Tongji University


Conference Academic Committee Members

  • 岑杰,副院长/教授,浙江工商大学

  • Vice Dean/Professor Jie Cen, Zhejiang Gongshang University

  • 高燕,副院长,浙江省国资国企研究院

  • Vice Dean Gao Yan, Zhejiang State Owned Assets and Enterprises Research Institute

  • 蓝庆新,教授,对外经济贸易大学

  • Professor Qingxin Lan, University of International Business and Economics

  • 孙元,书记/教授,浙江工商大学

  • Head Clerk/Professor Yuan Sun, Zhejiang Gongshang University

  • 王晓蓬,教授,浙江工商大学

  • Professor Xiaopeng Wang, Zhejiang Gongshang University

  • 吴剑峰,副院长/教授,浙江工商大学

  • Vice Dean/Professor Jianfeng Wu, Zhejiang Gongshang University

  • 吴小节,院长/教授,广东工业大学

  • Dean/Professor Xiaojie Wu, Guangdong University of Technology

  • 谢真臻,教授,中山大学

  • Professor Zhenzhen Xie, Sun Yat-sen University

  • 衣长军,院长/教授,华侨大学

  • Dean/Professor Yi Changjun, Huaqiao University

  • 余江,教授,中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院

  • Professor Jiang Yu, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • 赵晶,副院长/教授,中国人民大学

  • Vice Dean/Professor Jing Zhao, Renmin University of China

  • 朱玥,副院长/教授,浙江工商大学

  • Vice Dean/Professor Yue Zhu, Zhejiang Gongshang University

  • 张思,副教授,中国科学院大学

  • Associate Professor Si Zhang, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences


Currently being updated, the list is sorted alphabetically by surname. We apologize for any omissions or errors. Please inform us if you notice any. Thank you


Conference Youth Working Committee




Jie Cen


Si Zhang


Zhenzhen Xie

11. 会议联系人

Conference Contacts


Liu Heng15557122689723169091@qq.com