


鲁其辉1977.3-,男,教授,博士生导师,博士、博士后。于20066月获得复旦大学管理学博士学位(管理科学与工程专业),20067月至20086月,在复旦大学工商管理博士后流动站工作20089月至20128月,在浙江大学管理学院工作20129月至今在浙江工商大学工商管理学院工作2012年至今主持国家自科基金3项、教育部人文社科基金1项、省自然基金2项、省哲社课题1项、校青年基金1项,主参省部级以上科研项目10余项。2013年入选省“151人才工程的第三层次培养人员,2018年入选浙江工商大学西湖学者。先后在美国University of Texas at Dallas、加拿大Wilfrid Laurier University做访问学者。在POMEJORIJPECAIE、管理科学学报、控制与决策、中国管理科学等国内外权威期刊上发表中英文学术论文50余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文十余篇、国内权威刊物二十余篇;出版专著2部、合著专著和教材1部;多次获得省教育厅、省科技厅和省社科联颁发的学术奖励。多次担任国自科通讯评审专家,常年担任管理科学学报中国管理科学IJPE期刊外审专家。2017年至今,任浙江工商大学企业数智化与商务分析研究中心副主任202311月至今,任“浙江工商大学现代商贸流通体系建设协同创新中心副主任。







1国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目),基于套期保值的供应链价格风险转移与协调机制研究,2023 -1-12026-12-31,在研













[1] Qi Sun, Junyong Ma, Qihui Lu*, Weidong Xu, Yaya Gao, System Dynamics Analysis of Retailers Emergency Strategies When Facing Irrational Demand and Supply Disruption, International Journal of Production Economics, 在线发表. (JCR SSCI一区,中科院SCI一区,校A++)

[2] Qihui Lu, Changhua Liao, Meilan Chen*, Victor Shi, et al., Platform financing or bank financing in agricultural supply chains: The Impact of platform digital empowerment, European Journal of Operational Research, 2024, 315(3): 952-964. 16 June 2024. (JCR SSCI一区,SCI二区,校A++)

[3] Samuel Fosso Wamba*, Serge-Lopez Wamba-Taguimdje, Qihui Lu, Maciel M. Queiroz, How emerging technologies can solve critical issues in organizational operations: An analysis of blockchain-driven projects in the public sector, Government Information Quarterly, 2024, 41(1), 101912. March 2024. (JCR SSCI一区,SCI一区,校A++)

[4] Ying Gong, Yufeng Zhou*, Xiaocong Liu, Youfang Huang, Qihui Lu, Identifying effective incentive policies for promoting widespread adoption of shore power technology, Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment, 2024, 126, 103998. (JCR SSCI一区,SCI一区,校A+)

[5] Changhua Liao*, Qihui Lu, Digital technology adoption strategies for a contract farming supply chain under CVaR criterion, Managerial & Decision Economics, 2024, 45(3): 1435-1453. JAN 4 2024. (JCR SSCI二区,SCI三区,ESI期刊) https://doi.org/10.1002/mde.4068

[6] Qihui Lu, Changhua Liao*, Tingting Xu, Financing and coordination of the agricultural supply chain considering government-enterprise guarantee, RAIRO-Oper. Res, 2023(SSCI三区)

[7] Changhua Liao, Qihui Lu*, Li Lin, Coordinating a Three-level Contract Farming Supply Chain with Option Contracts Considering Risk-averse Farmer and Retailer, PLOS ONE, 2023, 18(2), e0279115 (JCR SSCI二区)

[8] Sun, Q., Gao, Y., Qihui Lu*, and Yan, Y. A pricing and transshipment hybrid strategy for perishable product in two external scenarios for supply disruption, Kybernetes, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-07-2022-0918(SSCI, 三区)

[9] Qihui Lu, Axun Xing, Qi Sun*, and Di Xiao, Collaborative Operation Model with Selling Profit Sharing Strategy for Direct Online Retailing, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2022, Article ID 3543368, 17 pages. (SSCI, 三区)

[10] Changhua Liao, Qihui Lu*, and Ying Shui, Governmental Anti-Pandemic and Subsidy Strategies for Blockchain-Enabled Food Supply Chains in the Post-Pandemic Era, Sustainability 2022, 14, 9497. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14159497(SSCI, 二区)

[11] Chen Xiangfeng, Lu Qihui, Cai Gangshu*, Buyer Financing in Pull Supply Chains: Zero-Interest Early Payment or In-House Factoring, Production and Operations Management, 2020, 29(10): 2307-2325. (SCI, UTD24)

[12] Pan Kewen, Cui Zhibo, Xing Axun*, Lu Qihui, Impact ofFairness Concern on Retailer-dominated Supply Chain, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2020(139). (SSCI, )

[13] Xiao Di, Wang Jiayan, Lu Qihui*, Stimulating sustainabilityinvestment level of suppliers with strategic commitment to price and costsharing in supply chain, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 252(10). (SSCI, )

[14] Huang Jiazhou, Lu Qihui*, Chen Xiangfeng, Zhan Jizhou, Risk Control Mechanisms of Third-party Guarantee When Financing Newsvendor, RAIRO-Oper. Res. 55 (2021): 2337–2358. (JCR三区; SCI )

[15] Lu Qihui, Gu Jian, Huang Jiazhou*, Supply chain finance with partial credit guaranteeprovided by a third-party or a supplier, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019(135): 440-455. (SSCI, )

[16] Lu Qihui, Chen Xiangfeng*, Capacity Investment with existing capacity under make-to-orderor make-to-stock mechanisms, International Journal of Production Economics,2018(198): 133-148. (SSCI, )

[17] Lu Qihui, Shi Chunming*, Huang Jiazhou, Who benefit from agency model: A strategicanalysis of pricing models in distribution channels of physical books ande-books, European Journal of Operational Research , 2018, 264(3): 1074-1091. (SSCI, )

[18] Jin Li, Qihui Lu, and Peihua Fu, Carbon Footprint Management of Road Freight Transport underthe Carbon Emission Trading Mechanism, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2015, Article ID 814527. (SSCI, )

[19] Lu Qihui, Liu Nan* Effects of e-commerce channel entry in atwo-echelon supply chain: a comparative analysis of single- and dual-channeldistribution systems, International Journal of Production Economics, 2015, 165:100–111. (SSCI, )

[20] Lu Qihui, Liu Nan*, Pricing games of mixed conventional and e-commerce distributionchannels, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2013(64): 122-132. (SSCI, )


[1] 鲁其辉,廖昌华,区块链技术及渠道权力对绿色供应链决策影响[J],华东经济管理,2023378):12-22.

[2] 鲁其辉,徐婷婷,李爽,肖迪,政府主导下农业供应链金融中补贴与担保机制研究[J],运筹与管理,20233月。

[3] 肖迪,陈瑛,王佳燕,鲁其辉,考虑平台数据赋能的电商供应链成本分担策略选择研究[J],中国管理科学,2021, 29(10): 58-69.

[4] 肖迪, 方慧敏, 鲁其辉, 殷西乐. 平台品牌赋能情境下考虑信息不对称的供应链渠道冲突[J]. 控制与决策, 2021, 36(9): 2123-2132.

[5] 黄佳舟,鲁其辉,陈祥锋,供应商融资中买方担保的影响机制研究,管理科学学报,2020年第7期:99-115

[6] 鲁其辉,姚佳希,周伟华,基于EOQ模型的存货质押融资业务模式选择研究,中国管理科学,2016年第1期:56-66

[7] 包兴,鲁其辉,牛保庄,两类面向应急运作系统的监管惩罚机制研究,控制与决策(一级、EI),2015年第1期,677-684

[8] 鲁其辉,曾利飞,包兴,基于Stackelberg博弈的供应链采购融资模式研究,控制与决策(一级、EI),2014年第10期,1907-1913

[9] 鲁其辉,曾利飞,周伟华,供应链应收帐款融资的决策分析与价值研究,管理科学学报,2012年第5期:10-18

[10] 鲁其辉,基于成本共担策略的服务供应链协调研究,控制与决策(一级、EI),2011年第11期,1649-1653

[11] 鲁其辉,朱道立,供应链中产品与信息质量改进的战略联盟策略研究,管理科学学报,2010年第10期,79-88

[12] 鲁其辉,朱道立,供应链中基于货架空间分配的质量改进策略研究,管理科学学报, 2010年第1期:31-39

[13] 鲁其辉,朱道立,质量与价格竞争供应链的均衡与协调策略研究,管理科学学报,2009年第3期:56-64

[14] 鲁其辉,朱道立,含交付时间不确定性的供应链协调策略研究,管理科学学报,20082期:50-60

[15] 鲁其辉,朱道立,多产品竞争环境中最优供货决策,管理科学学报,20056期:43-50

[16] 徐庆,朱道立,鲁其辉,Nash均衡、变分不等式和广义均衡问题的关系,管理科学学报,20053期:1-7

[17] 鲁其辉,朱道立,林正华,带有快速反应策略供应链系统的补偿策略研究,管理科学学报,20045期:14-23


[1] 肖迪,鲁其辉,考虑赋能行为的平台供应链决策优化与协调机制研究,浙江大学出版社,202212月出版。

[2] 鲁其辉,基于渠道权力结构的供应链融资均衡理论与风险控制研究(专著),浙江大学出版社,202011月出版。

[3] 鲁其辉,朱道立,供应链竞争与协调管理理论研究(专著),科学出版社,20143月出版。

[4] 刘南、杨桂丽、鲁其辉,现代运输管理,高等教育出版社(普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材),2013第一版2021年第三版。