之江-名家论坛预告 | Event Space and MNEs’International Involvement: Japanese MNEs in China During the US-China Trade War



学院将于5月24号(周五)邀请Jane Lu教授讲学,具体信息如下:

主题:Event Space and MNEs’International Involvement:Japanese MNEs in China During the US-China Trade War






Jane Lu is Chair Professor at the Department of Management, City University of Hong Kong. She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business and the President of the Asia Academy of Management. Her research centers on the intersection between organization theory and strategy. Her earlier research investigates broad-level issues that underlie a firm's international strategy. Her recent research continues this line of research with a focus on emerging market firms and their non-market strategies. Her work has appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management and Journal of International Business Studies, among other leading journals. She is listed among the top 2% of the world's most highly cited scholars in business & management. She is currently a Senior Editor of the Journal of World Business and a Consulting Editor of the Journal of International Business Studies.
